Monday, November 18, 2013

QST QST QST: Great American Teach In

Update: After Action Report Posted here:

I'm speaking to Kindergardeners and third Graders about ham radio Wednesday, November 20th as part of the "Great American Teach In".

For the Kindergardeners:
I'll be doing a brief overview of what Amateur radio is, how it works, and why it's the greatest hobby in the world. Then I'm going to demonstrate ham radio using a semi-portable setup. I want to give these young ones a chance to ask a question to the station we are working.

For the third graders:
Same as above, but with the added element of comparing signal reports on two different antennas. They will keep a tally as to which antenna is reported as creating the stronger signal.

My plan is to work semi contest style if we can get enough people interested. Also, will let the kids get in on the action if possible. Because I will be time limited, I would like to have people waiting on a particular frequency if at all possible. I want to create a great operating experience for them, so please consider being available Wednesday.

TIME: 1400 UTC 20 November 2013 - 1600 UTC 20 November 2013

This is aproximate.

at 9AM Eastern Standard Time, I will begin speaking to the Kindergardeners. I'm not going to spend more than 10-15 minutes actually talking about radio, and the rest of the time I will be doing radio. I'll be on air about 9:10- 9:15 EST (local time) (1410-1415 UTC).

At about 9:45-9:50 local time or so, I will have to QRT to book it over to the other class and get set up. At 10, I'm going to run through my talk again, and should be on air again by 10:10 to 10:15. We will work as many stations as possible.


15m 21.330 USB +- Depending on QRM.
20m 14.330 USB +- Depending on QRM.
I tried searching for nets, and it doesn't look like we'll be interfering on any frequencies with any of the nets, but you never know, so be prepared to move a lil, remember, SEMPER GUMBY.

I will announce via twitter: exactly when I QRV and QSY

1. Let's have fun. Our point with this exercise is to ignite that little spark of curiosity we all had at one point in time when it came to radio.
2. Let's make noise, especially when we call for stations. When we get on the air, I will ask, "Is this frequency in use?" there should be silence. Then I will say, "This is Kilo Golf Four Golf Victor Lima operating Portable from Carleton Palmore Elementary School, are there any radio amateurs who wish to talk to Ms Keller's Kindergarden Class?" BAM, everyone calls at once, Let's wow the kiddos! Then we'll orderly work through the stations we have.
3. Let's be courteous to each other. After the intial noise, I will call for DX first, then I will call for stateside contacts via area. There's been openings this time of day to the northeast, so I will call 1's, 2's and 3's first if there's a bunch. We will give each other RS reports, our name, and then the answer to a question that the kids will determine during the opening session.
4. Let's take turns. I'll be working from two class rooms, the first session with Kindergardeners, the second with third graders, If there's a lot of people waiting on the air, and you get a chance to work the Kindergardeners, please stand by during the third grader's session. Remember, we'll need everybody's voice at first, we really want to wow them with volume on the intial call, but when we begin working stations I'll ask precendence be given to stations who did not get a chance to work the first class.

 if you are available, please respond via email: qrprat77 at gmail dot com, or contact @KG4GVL via twitter and use hashtag #HAMitup .

I think we will really make a great impression on these kids Wednesday!

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